Robert Wortmann
When ROBERT WORTMANN was in the third grade, a tempura painting of his was selected to represent his school in a student exhibition at the Nelson Atkins Gallery of Art in Kansas City.
Art was always his favorite subject in school. But he stopped taking art classes once he got to high school. After all, if you wanted to attend a competitive college, you had to take more practical courses, such as Latin.
After graduating from Carleton College he attended the University of Kansas School of Medicine. During his career he was a rheumatologist and worked at six medical schools.
About 30 years ago he began painting again, working with oils. But about twenty years ago he discovered pastels and has not looked back. His work explores nature using color to provide a pleasing emotional response form the viewer.
Over the last few years Robert’s work has received numerous awards. His paintings can be viewed at the Art League of Hilton Head Gallery and exhibitions of the Hilton Head Plantation Artists Association.
Robert is a member of the Saxton River Art Guild, the Pastel Society of New Hampshire and the Pastel Society of South Carolina.