Gary Baughman
Artist’s Statement
Art is an expression unlike any other. Art lets the viewer past my skin and into my heart. Art is not something I do but is an expression of that which already exists within me even though I may not know at the time exactly what it means. We all have an inner voice waiting patiently to be heard. As an artist, that voice gets to be heard and seen by the viewers of my work and by me as it moves our emotions and plays upon our heartstrings. I have been brought to tears viewing an artist’s painting and I have seen collectors of my work overcome in the same way. What is it about a two-dimensional piece of paper or canvas covered with pigment in a seemingly random way that causes these deep feelings within the human inner soul? What is it about a melody that keeps you humming or whistling it all day? Imagination from the heart of the artist or songwriter evokes this special feeling within the viewer or listener. Art, like music, connects and awakens that part of us which we already possess, the voice within our soul.
How do I connect with viewers and collectors of my artistic creations? I try to move them to identify with the subject matter, be it large as a mountain or as small as a rosebud by creating my own individual interpretation. As an artist, I engage the viewer by re-interpretation of reality through manipulation and exaggeration of shape, value, color, line, texture, and balance. Art is a springboard for imagination; it is an endless array of beautiful gifts that are a powerful way of expressing a point of view.
Art survives the ages. Great fine art should become a legacy, passing from generation to generation. I can think of no finer legacy than to have family descendants in future generations on my family tree pass down my surviving works with other family treasures and heirlooms. Fine art has a genealogy as collections in every great museum will attest. Great art stands the test of time. It is my sincere hope that purchasers of my works will enjoy their purchases each day of their lives and will be able to pass them on to an appreciative member of the next generation. Every piece of art that I feel is worthy enough to leave my studio is intended for that very purpose. Every artwork put up for sale is the very best work I am capable of at that time, full of every bit of imagination and skill that I can give it. I use only the finest artist’s materials available with the intent that the work may be on view for at least the next 200 years.
When I affix my name to my work, it is an endorsement giving the viewer permission to stand at the window to my soul and look in for as long as they desire.
Personal Enrichment Studies, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
Scottsdale Art School, Scottsdale, Arizona 1985
Private Study: Tom Owen, NWS Watercolor 1976-1980
Professional Workshops: Frank Webb, NWS, Gerald Brommer, NWS, James Boren, CAA, Teri Ford, PSA
Albert Handel, PSA, Richard McKinley, PSA, Sally Strand, PSA, Liz Haywood-Sullivan, PSA
Douglasville Center For the Arts, Four Person Pastel Exhibition, 2021
Southeastern Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition 2019, 2021 Honorable Mention
Paulding Fine Arts Association, Fall Exhibition 2018, Pastel, First Place
Paulding Fine Arts Association, Fall Exhibition, 2017, Best of Show
Paulding Fine Arts Association, Spring Exhibition, 2016, Pastel 3rd
Paulding Fine Arts Association, Member Exhibition, 2015, Pastel 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Solo Exhibition, Courthouse Gallery, Dallas, GA, 2014
Art on the Green Juried Invitational Festival, Cashiers, NC, 2010-16, First Place, 2014
Southeastern Pastel Society International Juried Exhibition, Award of Excellence, 2012: Merit Award 2016
Artist Guild of NW Georgia Juried Exhibition, 2010, Pastel 2nd, 3rd
Connecticut Pastel Society Renaissance in Pastel Juried Exhibition, 2011
Magnificent Seven Exhibition, Mable House Art Center, Mableton, GA 2010
Mid-America Pastel Society Int’l Exhibition, 2010, UArt Award, Pastel Journal Award
Metro Montage VII, Marietta Museum of Art, 2007, 2009
Southeastern Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 17, 19
Connecticut Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition, 2006, 2008, Board of Directors Award, 2010
Oregon Pastel Society International Juried Exhibition 2006
Southeastern Pastel Society International Juried Exhibition, 2004 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
Three Man Exhibition, Art Station, Kennesaw, GA 2006
Hilton Head Art Society National Juried Show, Honorable Mention, 2006
Alabama Pastel Society National Juried Show 2006
Southeastern Pastel Society Member’s Exhibition, Honorable Mention, 2005
Southeastern Pastel Society International Juried Show, Exceptional Merit Award, 2004
World of Art National Juried Exhibition, Third Place Award, Mable House GA, 2004
Marietta Chamber of Commerce “Concert in the Park” Official Poster Painting 2004
Kennesaw State University, Honorable Mention, Art of the Golden Generation, 2002
Southeastern Pastel Society Member’s Juried Exhibition, Award of Excellence, 1993
Instructor, Oil/Pastel, Paulding Fine Arts Association, Dallas, GA, 2015-Present
Oil/Pastel Instructor, Booth Art Academy, Booth Museum, Cartersville, GA 2018-Present
Oil Instructor, Acworth Arts Association, Acworth, GA 2018-Present
Past Instructor, Oil, Pastel and Watercolor, Marietta Cobb Museum of Art
Booth Artist Guild of the Booth Museum
Paulding Fine Arts Association
Southeastern Pastel Society, Member of Excellence, President 2013-2016